Friday, April 10, 2009

The Long and Winding Road...of Adoption

We have been Gladney approved! All of our paperwork for Glsdney is done. Our homestudy should be in the hands of the state. All of our dossier paperwork is in the mail and should be to KBS Dossier early next week. Now we have to wait on state, CIS, approval and finger printing for CIS. Then we are on to the wait list!!!! Troy and I are so excited to be mostly done with the paperwork. There were several documents that were such a pain to get completed. Oh well, we are just happy to be where we are in the process. We will keep you updated as to when we get CIS approval.


Cassandra Britt said...

Congrats on your Gladney approval! See you on the wait list soon!

Tara said...

Oh yay!! This is big!! Congrats on this big step!! How glad are you that all that paperwork is DONE??

Shannon Plumb said...

Oh I am oh so jealous! WE are just starting and I am totally overwhelmed!v