Monday, May 4, 2009

I Did It!!!

Dakota is not my talkative child by any means. He can say Dada, Mama, dog, ball, but mostly he points and says "da". So I was shocked today when he looked at me and said "I did it!" I thought maybe I was hearing things, but a few seconds later he said it again. This time my friend, Carie, heard him and confirmed that she heard the same thing. Later this evening I was telling Troy the story and not 10 minutes later Dakota says it again! So, I had to try and get it on film. This video is him saying "I did it!" Fair warning though, it is toward the end of the almost 2 minute video. So please wait for will know when you hear it. The boy has been holding out on us. I am so proud that he can talk!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie. :-) We're going to KS in a month for Dani's wedding. Did you guys get an invitation? I would imagine they would have sent you one. Linda made us send one to EVERYONE we and she has ever known. If so, are you guys going? It would be great to see you all again. Think about it. June 13th.

veggiemom said...

Hi. I just wanted to let you know about our local yahoo group...